The Alumni of St. Paul's School, Darjeeling

About OPA

The Alumni of St. Paul’s School, Darjeeling

The Old Paulite Association (OPA) brings together all Paulites, the alumnii of St. Paul’s School, Darjeeling. No matter where we are in the world, we fondly remember our years in school, and that unique experience that has shaped us into what we are. Whether they passed out before or after us, an Old Paulite is always a brother. Renunions are legend.

The OPA is based out of Kolkata in India. OPA Chapters thrive all over India and abroad.

This website seeks to bring all Old Paulites under one roof.

So, Paulites – Onwards the old school calls.


We hold regular meetings with the members and host various other events. Follow our event calendar to read about our Recent & Upcoming Events.


Our mission is to chronicle the current OPA Events as well as an Archive for all the past events. We encourage you to join us and contribute articles, media or anything that you feel like.